Sunday, 3 May 2015


What is emotion? Emotion is a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. 

Ever since you, I, or anyone else can remember, we have all experienced emotions on a daily basis. Whether is fear, joy, anger, relaxation etc… we all experience them naturally and just take them as they come. Even though we know they are only emotions and they can’t do anything to us, we often let them take control of our bodies and minds making us think and function in an uncontrolled state.

Emotions are extremely interesting because they can influence what we do and how we do things on a small and large scale. If we approached a same scenario twice, but with different emotions, there would most likely be entirely different outcomes. For example your friend could be running late to meet you, you could experience many emotions, but let’s just say in this scenario you experience Anger and then on the other hand you experience Joy. You could easily be angry at your friend for being late, possibly argue when they arrive and then fall out, or on the other hand, you could be Joyful to the fact your friend is still on their way and be happy to see them when they arrive. Two completely different outcomes for the same scenario.

So I want to ask you this question, are you in control of your emotions? Or are your emotions in control of you. I believe that everyone has the ability to control their emotions to some extent,  don’t think we can just flick a switch and be happy jumping around then flick another being sad and crying. However I am learning with time that if you sit and observe your emotions at a given time, you are much more in control of them, which in turn allows you to have much more control over your thoughts and actions.

This again raises another question that some of you may need an answer to, which is on the topic of achieving your Health & Fitness goals. Do emotions effect my training and nutritional lifestyle? Well the answer to this is yes they most certainly do, all you have to do is put two and two together to understand this. Let’s think, do you remember the last time you had a really bad day at work and come home feeling sad or annoyed or confused etc… I’m sure you probably didn’t feel like eating a good natural healthy meal, you may of even though you needed a “treat” because your day was so bad and you feel you need to reward yourself for getting through. Obviously this isn’t everyone’s case, but I’m sure more than one of you will be reading this knowing you have done this in the past. From a training aspect, do you remember the last time you had a great day and was excited for something? If you trained that day I’m sure you was jumping about your training session like a rabbit on after 5 espresso shots. I’ll leave you to contemplate the opposite emotions in them situations and come up with a completely different conclusion to them scenarios.

Now I’m not saying you should feeling awesome each and every day because you should have control over your emotions, all I’m saying is that IF you choose to observe your emotion, recognise it and decide whether you’re going to let it influence you to the extent it truly could. Before I get into any more detail, there is also a fine line when observing and controlling your emotions, even though I believe we should control them, in some cases I also believe they need to be left to their own devices, but let’s not get off the point of controlling your emotions to improve your training and nutrition lifestyle.

As I gain more experience with my clients at RikFit, I have realised that the key to long term success and long term results is not through the training, or the nutrition or the recovery, it’s more so through changing an individual’s psychology. I know if I get someone thinking logically and in control of their minds, they will natural have better control over their choices, thoughts and actions. This is the foundation to changing habits and behavioural patterns to sustain a long term healthy, strong and happy lifestyle. You could ask the majority of top coaches in the industry and I’m sure they would agree with me in the fact that a person’s psychology plays one of, if not the biggest roles in achieving great results long term.

You may now be wondering “how do I control my emotions?” well I don’t think there is just one technique but I know one that I find extremely effective. I’ve mentioned it throughout this blog and it’s observing your emotions as they happen. For example, just the other day I done something quite embarrassing which made me feel well and truly like an idiot, I could feel myself warm up, get butterfly’s, get clammy hands and become confused as a result of my actions. However I chose to stop, take a second, slow things down and observe what I was feeling. I went to my stomach and observed my butterfly’s, I stood and actually just let them happen and truly tried to pin point what this feeling was. I then moved to my hands and identified that they were clammy, along with my skin and cheeks quite red and warm. I simply observed all these feelings and truly felt them instead of trying to avoid or run away from them. I then realised that these were just feelings, wasn’t actually there, they could do anything, they were just sensations I could feel in my body that were causing me to experience this emotion of embarrassment. I then decide to try and create another emotion which I could link with embarrassment to change how I felt, this was happiness, more specifically laughter. Instead of locking myself away in one emotion, I decided to open myself up with laughter.

Within 30 minutes I changed how I felt completely about the situation, I’m sat here now actually with a feeling of accomplishment as now see the situation as a great lesson I’ve learned from, I now know how to correct my actions to not make the same mistake again. Luckily I didn’t let my emotions get the best of me and influence my actions, I could of easily for example opted to “comfort eat” to release hormones that create a feeling of satisfaction and joy, but then today felt terrible and dissatisfied. However I didn’t, this was simply due to the fact I faced my emotions head on, observed them, handled the situation and changed my view on things. I’m sure you can imagine the downwards spiral some people can get into, if not already experienced yourself, when you let your emotions control you and not the other way around.

To simplify things I’m going to bullet point in order the actions I want you to take so you can personally gain control of your emotional state to influence you thoughts and actions positively instead of negatively:

  1. Find a space to yourself and slow things down.
  2. Take a moment to actually observe what you feel, search your body for feelings and sensations that are making you feel how you currently do.
  3. Actually feel them and become familiar with the feelings and sensations.
  4. Name and identify them, e.g. stomach butterflies, rapid heartbeat, warm skin etc… Give them any name you want as long as it’s familiar to you.
  5. Wait… wait until they pass, and believe me they will, you just have to give it time and patience.
  6. Now Identify why you feel like you do, go over in your mind what’s causing this emotional state or number of feelings.
  7. Decide a solution. You need to logically conclude how to correct your actions or experience. Your mind needs reason and rational to function, not confusion. 
  8. Take control and change. You now know the feeling and sensations, you know how to correct things, you have given your mind rational reasons and solutions, there’s nothing else that can happen as they are just feelings.

Take comfort in the fact that emotions and feelings are something that do not physically exist, they can’t actually hurt you, and all they can do is influence you if you let them. So next time your experiencing an emotion you don’t want to, or feel like you’re going to do something you shouldn’t or don’t want to, stop and take the actions listed above to decide whether your emotions are influencing you or not. If not, then go ahead, you will have most likely came up with a rational reason you will be happy with otherwise you would immediately identify in reality you actually don’t want to do what your about to do or think what your about to think.

I’d just like to finish this blog post by saying I’m not a psychologist or a well education individual on emotions, all this is just me discussing the solutions I use to control my emotions and the ones of my clients. These are all my beliefs, understandings and experiences, I just hope whilst reading this you have had some type of realisation that your emotional state does truly effect your food/drink choice, how often you eat, when you train, how you train, if you push yourself etc… As usual I hope you all have a great day and contact me if you would like to discuss this topic in more detail.

Control your mind in order to control your body!

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