Healthy Eating
Healthy Eating… What exactly is “Healthy Eating”? How do you
define if someone eats healthily? Well if you were to look for a definition, it
would probably be along these lines “Healthy eating is to consume the right quantities of foods from all food groups in order to
lead a healthy life”, which to
me and I’m sure to everyone else sounds about right, would you agree? But as
always there is a little bit more to it than that. Of course eating healthy
food is great for our bodies, however we need to understand that QUANTITIES and
consumption of healthy food groups have to be specific to our personal needs,
this is something I will discuss later on in the post but for now let’s digress
a little.
We have defined
what healthy eating is, so let’s move onto what healthy foods actually are!
This is where in my experience, opinions vary and what one person sees as a
healthy food, another person may disagree. However I’m going to express the
opinions of myself and RikFit to my understanding on what healthy foods are.
As I’ve educated myself through recent years, I’ve come to a very simple conclusion, healthy food must first consist of natural ingredients, usually high or rich in nutrients and when consumed benefits bodily functions by supplying it with the energy, nutrients and the enzymes it needs to function effectively and efficiently. Natural foods more often than not tend to be single ingredient foods, this means that it will most likely be high in one Macro Nutrient (Macro nutrient are the larger nutrients within food, for example, Proteins, Fats & Carbohydrates), to put this is more basic terms, meats, fish & poultry etc. Tend to be very high in protein. Nuts, Seeds, Olives, Avocados, Oils etc. Tend to be very high in fat. Potato’s, Parsnips, Grains, Oats etc. Tend to be high in complex carbohydrates. Fruits tend to be high in simple sugars & finally non starchy vegetables tend to be high in fibre. (NOTE: Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates can all be split into different categories e.g. carbohydrates have more than one form, simple & complex. Also fibre can be put under the carbohydrate category.). All foods are made up of Macronutrients and each food will have a different percentage of Macronutrients compared to another.
As I’ve educated myself through recent years, I’ve come to a very simple conclusion, healthy food must first consist of natural ingredients, usually high or rich in nutrients and when consumed benefits bodily functions by supplying it with the energy, nutrients and the enzymes it needs to function effectively and efficiently. Natural foods more often than not tend to be single ingredient foods, this means that it will most likely be high in one Macro Nutrient (Macro nutrient are the larger nutrients within food, for example, Proteins, Fats & Carbohydrates), to put this is more basic terms, meats, fish & poultry etc. Tend to be very high in protein. Nuts, Seeds, Olives, Avocados, Oils etc. Tend to be very high in fat. Potato’s, Parsnips, Grains, Oats etc. Tend to be high in complex carbohydrates. Fruits tend to be high in simple sugars & finally non starchy vegetables tend to be high in fibre. (NOTE: Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates can all be split into different categories e.g. carbohydrates have more than one form, simple & complex. Also fibre can be put under the carbohydrate category.). All foods are made up of Macronutrients and each food will have a different percentage of Macronutrients compared to another.
Now we can easily sit here all day and debate about how natural certain foods actually are and if grains should or shouldn’t be included in a diet or dairy or whatever, but there is a much BIGGER picture in my eyes. This is to get the average person eating the majority of natural foods in their diets on a day to day basis, of which to achieve we must take incremental steps to get there, this is why I’m writing a post on healthy eating and not optimal eating, so the average person understands how to actually follow a healthy nutritious lifestyle!
The great thing about eating natural foods is the fact that the foods contain nutrients and enzymes, of which most processed foods and chemically altered foods contain very little. Nutrients and enzymes help nourish the body, they help it grow, repair and function efficiently. This is mainly through natural foods containing large amounts of positive digestive enzymes that help improve gut function, especially improving digestion and nutrient absorption. One thing you realise when educating yourself on nutrition is that the GUT GOVERNS ALL. What you eat, when you eat, how much you eat can have huge impact on mood, feelings, performance, hormones etc. If you have never truly supplied your gut with what it needs to function well, you will have never experienced how good you can feel and how well you can work on a natural nutrient rich diet.
To summarise, opt
for natural nutrient rich foods, why? Because the help nourish the body to help
it grow, repair, regulate and function efficiently. Start by setting a goal of “I’m
only going to eat natural foods for the next couple of weeks”, once you have
completed this, begin to manipulate your macro nutrients, see if you function
best on carbs or fats but always make sure you have a baseline of protein to
avoid any lean tissue loss. Once you have completed this, then you should begin
to manipulate calories and calculate what your minimum requirements are (BMR
Base Metabolic Rate). I can guarantee if you do this correctly you WILL get
results, it’s impossible not to, then all you need is a little fine tuning to
get you to the goal you have set depending on the realism and achievability of
I hope this has been a good read for you and as usual I felt I could have gone off on 10 different tangents but managed to somewhat keep it simple, remember that these are my views and the views of RikFit, no one else’s. This is just what I have experienced and found works best for the majority of people. I hope you all have a great day and please feel free to comment and ask questions, good or bad, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
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